Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

So we all have those days where we don't want to do anything, right? I think today would classify as one of those days except for the fact that I don't want to be alone. I realized I need to find me a wonderful man that doesn't mind being extremely lazy with me. Yes, of course I like to go out and do things and be with people but sometimes there comes a time when all you want is to sit and look on or read all the interesting comments of
Right now I'm living it up on the single train and I'm surprised at how much I enjoy it. So many things have happened since I last posted... I can't even remember the last time I did. All I know is I was taking a whole adventure on and I wasn't sure how it might work out. I am about to start a new adventure. It's called moving, yet again. I am hopefully changing my address to a new part of town with a few new faces! I'm really excited and we will hopefully be able to move in at the end of this month. That will give me 17 days to get my things squared away into some sort of organization.
The next thing that is a change is my job. I still work at the movie theaters but now it's owned by a different company. I only work at one building instead of switching off. It's nice and I really like the people and managers that work there. I left behind some people that I don't really miss working with but also left some of my very best friends.
I have my very own car! It's a Suzuki Esteem and I love it so very much! I think next time I post something I will put on some lovely pictures. Well that's all for now. Goodnight!